Thursday, February 18, 2010

Anh đi rồi - Anh ở lại

Anh đi rồi phiến đá chắc buồn tênh
Anh đi rồi đôi chim chừ lẻ bạn
Anh đi rồi bài ca như lỗi nhịp
Anh đi rồi đời bỗng vắng hương hoa

Anh ở lại lòng em vui khôn xiết
Anh ở lại biết anh có vui không?
Anh ở lại có còn tiếng cười ấy?
Anh ở lại thôi đành để anh ra đi

Anh đi rồi anh đi xa xa khuất
Anh đi rồi đi đến phương trời nao
Anh ở lại nhưng lòng ta xa cách
Anh ở lại để rồi ta thêm đau

Anh đi rồi đi đến tận nơi đâu
Anh ở lại vẫn mãi trong lòng em, anh nhé !!!

Minh Kiến - Sài gòn ngày nhớ anh 19/02/2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gửi người ở chân trời xa khuất #2

Người bảo tôi yêu chân thành tha thiết
Vẫn yêu tôi như mới lúc ban đầu
Vậy cớ sao lại cùng ai sánh bước
Để lòng tôi mãi gợn bóng u hoài

Người bảo rằng người làm tôi đau khổ
Rồi được thì cứ hãy quên người đi
Người còn chúc tôi luôn nhiều hạnh phúc
Luôn vững vàng trên bước đường gian nan

Người có biết hạnh phúc mà tôi có
Đó là người, người có biết không?
Khi hạnh phúc tôi nghĩ về người trước nhất
Khi u buồn cũng nhớ về người, người ơi

Giờ đây ta hai phương trời cách biệt
Cả vũ trụ như tách làm đôi
Con tim này đã sầu lụy vì yêu
Nay vỡ nát không còn phương thuốc chữa

Dạo qua phố thấy lòng mình quặn thắt
Sao thấy mình xa lạ con phố quen
Thấy cô đơn giữa biển người đông đúc
Hay là vì thiếu một bóng đi cùng

Sài Gòn ngày nhớ đêm mong - mùng 4 tết Canh Dần

Gửi người ở chân trời xa khuất

Đã từ lâu người chẳng yêu tôi nữa
Cớ vì sao lại chẳng nói ra
Để tôi biết, tôi đây không kì vọng
Một mối tình tôi vẫn mãi đam mê

Người có biết tôi đây đã nhận thấy
Người chỉ muốn đùa vui, chỉ thế thôi
Người có biết tôi không là gỗ đá
Cũng là người cũng biết đến đớn đau

Tôi tuyệt vọng khi tôi nhìn thấy
Người bên ai mà chẳng phải là tôi
Người đã nói con tim này duy nhất
Luôn dành trọn cho tôi chỉ mình tôi

Dù giờ đây biết người bên duyên mới
Biết chúng ta chẳng thể sum vầy
Nhưng tình tôi vẩn luôn ở mãi
Trong lòng người dù người có nhận không

Rồi mai đây dòng đời có xô đẩy
Cho tôi – người có dịp lại tương phùng
Thì xin người luôn mãi nhớ rằng

“ Tôi vẫn đứng chờ người nơi bến cũ
Suốt một đời sẽ chẳng thể đổi thay “

Mùng 3 tết Canh Dần - Vĩnh Long

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Be yourself

In the world to come I shall not be asked, " Why were you not Moses?" I should be asked,"Why were you not Zusya?" --- RABBI ZUSYA

Ever since i was a little kid, I didn't want to be me. I wanted to be like Billy Widdlelon, and Billy Widdledon didn't even like me. I walked like he walke; i talked like he talked; I signed up for thr high school he signed up for.

Which was why Billy Widdledon changed. He began to hang around Herby Vandeman; he walked like Herby Vandeman; he talked like herby Vandeman. He mixed me up! I began to walk and talk like Billy Widdledon, who was walking and talking like herby Vandeman.

And then it dawned on me that Herby Vandeman walked and talked like Joe haverlin. And Joey Haverlin walked and talked like Corky Sabinson.

So here I amwalking and talking like Billy Winddledon's immitation of Herby Vandeman's version of Joey Haverlin, trying to walk and talk like Corky Sabinson. And who do you think Cory Sabinson is always walking and talking like? Of all people, Dopey Wellington - that little pest who walks and talks like me !

be yourself

Sunday, April 30, 2006

The window

And life is what we make it, always has been, always will be - Grandma Moses

There were once two men, both seriously ill, in the same small room of great hospital. Quite a small room, it had one window looking out on the world to sit up in bed for an hour in the afternoon (something to do with draining the fluid from his lungs). His bed was next to the window. But the other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.

Every afternoon when the man next to the window was propped up for his hour, he would pass the time by describing what he could see outside. The window apparently overlooked a park where there was a lake. There were ducks and swans in the lake, and children came to throw them bread and sail model boats. Young lovers walked hand in hand beneath the trees, and there were flowers and stretches of grass, games of softball. And at the back, behind the fringe of trees, was a fine view of the city skyline.

The man on his back would listen to the other man describe all of this, enjoying every minute. He heard how a child nearly fell into the lake, and how beautiful the girls were in their summer dresses. His friend's descriptions eventually made him feel he could see what was happening outside

Then one fine afternoon, the thought struck him: Why should the man next to the window have all the pleasure of seeing what was going on? Why shouldn't he get the chance? He felt ashamed, but the more he tried not to think like that, the worse he wanted a change. He'd do anything! One night as he stared at the ceiling, the other man suddenly woke up, coughing and choking, his hands gropping for the button that would bring the nurse running. But the man watched without moving - even when the sound of breathing stopped. In the morning found the an dead, and quietly took his body away.

As soon as it seemed decent, the man asked if he could be switched to the bed next to the window. So they moved him, tucked him in, and made him quite comfortable. The minute they left, he propped himself up on one elbow, painfully and laboriously and looked out the window.

It faced a blank wall

Author Unknown

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The story for everyone

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it everyday. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow. he loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him. Time went by. The littleboy had grown up , and he no longer played around the tree everyday. One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad" Come and play with me," the tree asked the boy."I am no longer a kid. i don't play around trees anymore." The boy rplied,"I want toys, i need money to buy them", "Sorry, but i don't have money, but u can pick all my apples and sell them. Then u will have money" The boy was so excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples.
The tree was sad. One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. "Come and play with me" the tree said. " I don't have time to play. I have to work for my family. W need a house for shelter. Can you help me? " sorry, but I don't have a house. But u can chop off my branches t build your house. " So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. the tree was glad to see him happy.
The tree was again lonely and sad. one hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted." Come and play with me!" the tree said." I am sad and gettin' old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?" "use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away and be happy."So the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. he went sailing and never showed up for a long time.
Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years " Sorry, my boy. But I don't have anything for you anymore. no more apples for you... " the tree said. " I dont have teeth to bite" the boy replied. " No more trunk for you to climb on", " I am too old for that now", the boy said. " I really can't give you anything... the only thing left is my dying roots' the tree said with tears. " I don't need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years." The boy replied. " Good. Old tree roots are the best place to lean on and rest. Come, come sit down with me and rest. " The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled wit tears.
This is a story for everyone. The tree is our parent. When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad. When we grew up, we left them only to come to them when we need something or when we are in trouble. no matter what , parents will always be there and give evrything they can make u happy. you may think the boy is cruel to the tree but that is how all of us are treating our parents